Sunday Services 10:00am City Heights Campus | 9:15am Encanto Campus Join Us

Who I Am

My Identity in Christ As Seen in the Book of Ephesians

Hello Beautiful One!

Did you know that you are a masterpiece? Ephesians 3:20 tells us, "For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the things he planned for us long ago". He is molding you into a beautiful work of art! He already sees you in this perfected, beautiful form. However, you may not see it yet. I invite you to come discover the beauty of who you truly are as a Christ follower!



Teaching Week 1

Ephesians 1:1-14

I Am Chosen So I am Holy and Blameless

Teaching Week 2

ePHESIANS1:4-5 and 4:1-2

I Am Adopted So I Walk in Love

Teaching Week 3

ePHESIANS 1:11, 1:18, 2:6

I Am and Heiress So I Live with the Hope of Heaven

Teaching Week 4

Ephesians 2:18, 3:12-19, 1:15-19

I Am Bold with Access to the Father So I Pray Mightily


Teaching Week 5

ephesians 2:14-22 and 4:3-6, 13

I Am in God's Family So I Live in Peace and Unity in the Church

Teaching Week 6

EPHESIANS 1:13, 2:22, 4:25-32, 5:17-21

I Am Spirit-Filled So I Live in Self-Control and Worship

Teaching Week 7


I Am the Bride of Christ So I Respect and Submit to God and My Husband

Teaching Week 8

Ephesians 1:19, 3:!6, 3:20, 6:10-20

I Am a Warrior So I Fight a Spiritual Battle