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Songs of My Heart

A 10 Week Bible Study through the book of Psalms by Julie Contreras

The first week of each study's homework is provided to give you a sample of the study. If you'd like to purchase the full curriculum as a PDF, please register below and submit a suggested donation of $10 - $20 per person using the study to New Vision Church. We will be happy to email you the complete homework packet for you to print and study.


WEEK 1 | Overview

Week 1

WEEK 2 | Psalms of Intimacy

Week 2

WEEK 3 | Psalms of Forgivness

Week 3

WEEK 4 | Psalms of Wisdom

Week 4

WEEK 5 | Psalms of Deliverance

Week 5

WEEK 6 | Psalms of Anxiety

Week 6

WEEK 7 | David: Life with God

Week 7

WEEK 8 | Psalms of Messiah

Week 8

WEEK 9 | Psalms of Worship

Week 9

WEEK 10 | Worship Together

Week 10